Shake It Up
What do you do when you feel like you have lost the zest for something you used to be passionate about? Shake it up.
How long can you do something before it gets the best of you? Putting a spin on how you set your goals may help keep you from asking “what’s next?”
Letting Go of Fear
Following Through On Last Week’s Blog Water has always helped me feel at peace. In particular, aquariums. Watching fish gracefully swim by makes me feel like I can let go...
Letting Go
On my latest trip to Washington, D.C., I had the good fortune of being able to run down to the mall. I love that you can run for miles and...
Active 40 Year Old Seeking Modern Heart Monitor
My 30 day experience wearing a heart monitor I am forty years old. Not young, but there are plenty of miles left on this baby! In any case, my body,...
Too Much Advice
This past weekend I listened to a Joe Rogan Podcast with Jonathan Haidt. A great podcast which I would totally recommend. I also watched a little bit of Big...
The Boston Marathon, Achieving, Growing and Being the Best Version of Yourself
Thoughts from a mother to her sons There is nothing like the big show. Whether it be a high school performance of Les Miserables, the Super Bowl or a graduation...
Personal Space vs The Need For Human Contact
Everyone needs a hug every once in a while, right? Well, maybe not. Or at least not from certain people. That’s how it would seem from the news lately. I...
Steady-State or Ebb and Flow?
How do you run your life? You may not be like me, but then again, you may be exactly like me. My life is a series of ebbs and flows....
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