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Pieces of Daniel

Headspace Daniel’s head was swimming in thoughts as he drove away from Susan’s place. Seeing Jenny at the party after […]

Pieces of Daniel

A River Runs Through It The alarm went off at 5 a.m. Daniel had packed all he needed the night […]

Pieces of Daniel

Alone Daniel and Alice got back to his house at about 10:00 p.m.  “You didn’t eat anything at the wake,” […]

Pieces of Daniel

Harden The smell of eggs and oatmeal cooking on the stove woke Daniel from his deep slumber. Uncle Ronan had […]

Pieces of Daniel

Doctor’s Orders “You know, days like these…these are my favorite,” Pawpaw said as he hopped into the driver’s seat of […]

Pieces of Daniel

Where Do You Come From? On Christmas Eve during Daniel’s freshman year of high school, the family gathered at Daniel’s […]