
Pieces of Daniel

Pieces of Daniel

Doctor’s Orders “You know, days like these…these are my favorite,” Pawpaw said as he hopped into the driver’s seat of his truck.  It was a Friday afternoon in the winter...

Pieces of Daniel

Pieces of Daniel

Where Do You Come From? On Christmas Eve during Daniel’s freshman year of high school, the family gathered at Daniel’s Pawpaw’s place in Charleston, as was the tradition. However, this...

The Forgotten Foot

The first thing I look at when in front of the mirror is my face, immediately followed by my figure. I check for smudges.  I strike a pose, suck in...

COVID Choice

I get it, or at least I think I do…all the reasons out there for not getting the vaccine. Some of these reasons floated through my mind when vaccines first became available, and again when I signed up for my first shot. But in the end, I got it.

Why Isn’t Recycling Easier?

Because we were doing it wrong. Now we have to contend with increasing costs, changing rules and regulations in addition to the confusion on what can be recycled. Let’s take...

Mount Lincoln

The Franconia Ridge Loop may not have a bumper sticker, but it’s the unhyped trail you want to add to you list of must do’s in the northeast.

Mount Washington, New Hampshire

If you hike all the way to the summit it doesn’t matter which way you took, it will be hard, it will be rewarding, and you’ll totally be glad you did it.