
Mountain top view during the Jigger Johnson 50 Mile Race.

2024 Jigger Johnson 50 Mile

It’s not that hard… …said no one ever! The 50 is a really freaking hard course and the folks doing the 100 are amazing badasses because they do it twice...

Pieces of Daniel

Pieces of Daniel

Headspace Daniel’s head was swimming in thoughts as he drove away from Susan’s place. Seeing Jenny at the party after so many months…she had changed. She was a woman. A...

Pieces of Daniel

Pieces of Daniel

A River Runs Through It The alarm went off at 5 a.m. Daniel had packed all he needed the night before so he could leave at first light. Three eggs...

Pieces of Daniel

Pieces of Daniel

Alone Daniel and Alice got back to his house at about 10:00 p.m.  “You didn’t eat anything at the wake,” Alice said. “Do you want me to make you something...

Pieces of Daniel

Pieces of Daniel

Harden The smell of eggs and oatmeal cooking on the stove woke Daniel from his deep slumber. Uncle Ronan had taken the lead again with food preparations to the benefit...